

Senin, 09 April 2012

Use The Correct Singular or Plural Noun

Skill 39 : Use The Correct Singular or Plural Noun
 Singular noun itu yang digunakan untuk menunjukan sebuah benda satu atau tunggal sedangkan plural menunjukkan benda yang berjumlah banyak atau jamak.

contoh singular noun : a taxi, a keyboard, a whiteboard, etc
contoh plural            : this book, the man, etc

1. A problem that is common in  Written Expression questions of the TOEFL test is a singular noun used where a plural noun is needed, or a plural noun used where a singular noun is needed.

Example :      On the table there were many dishes.
                      The Lab assistant finished every test.

2.  In written expression of the TOEFL test, we should watch very carefully for key words, such as each, every, a, one,  and single that indicate that a noun should be singular.
3.   We should also watch carefully for such key words as many, several, both, various, and  two (or any other number except one) that indicate that a noun should be plural.

The following chart lists the key words that indicate to us whether a noun should be singular or plural :

Key Words for Singular and Plural Nouns
For singular Nouns
each      every     single      one       a
For Plural Nouns
both        two       many    several    various

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