

Senin, 09 April 2012

Skill 59 : Distinguish Like, Alike, and Unlike

Kata alike dapat berfungsi sebagai adjective dan adverb.

a. ALIKE sebagai adjective

Sebagai adjective, alike pada umumnya digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun yang posisinya sebagai subject kalimat.

 Subject + linking verb + ALIKE
  1. Your experience and mine are alike. (Pengalamanmu dan pengalamanku mirip).
  2. Do Luna Maya and the one in the video look alike? (Apakah Luna Maya dan orang yang di video itu tampak mirip?).
  3. For me, red wine and white wine taste alike. (Bagiku, anggur merah dan anggur putih rasanya mirip).
NOTE: Pola alike + noun sangat jarang digunakan.

b. ALIKE sebagai adverb.

Sebagai adverb,  alike menerangkan non-linking verb.
Subject + linking verb + ALIKE
Dalam hal ini, alike = similarly atau  equally.
  1. Parents should treat their children alike. (Orang tua seharusnya memperlakukan anak-anaknya serupa/dengan adil).
  2. Becauase Rini and Rene are twins, they walk and talk alike. (Karena Rini dan Rene kembar, mereka berjalan dan berbicara dengan cara yang mirip).
  3. The two criminals were sentenced alike. (Kedua penjahat ini dijatuhi hukuman yang  sama).

 1.  Distinguish  Like, Alike, and Unlike

±   Like, alike and unlike   are easily confused because they look so similar and they have many different uses.
±   There are several structures with  like, alike and unlike  that we should be familiar with.
±   The adjective  alike and like  (see Skill 50 )

Example :
ü John and Tom are  alike.
(Alike as a predicate adjective means similar, describing John and Tom )
ü John and Tom  worked in a like manner.
( Like as adjective form means  similar )

±   The prepositions  like and unlike, which have apposite meanings must be followed by objects.

Example :
Ø  John  is ( like  Tom )
( Like as preposition means Tom and John are similar )
Ø  John is (unlike Tom. )
( Unlike as preposition means  Tom and John are not similar )

±   The preposition  like and unlike  can also be used at the beginning of a sentence

Example :
(Like  Tom), John is  tall.
( Like as a preposition means that Tom is tall. )
Ø  Unlike Tom, John is  tall
(Unlike as preposition means that Tom is not tall )

The following chart outlines the structures and meanings of sentences with like, alike and unlike :

like , alike, and unlike
ü   As an adjective, like is used before a noun
ü    As an adjective, alike is used after linking verb

ü   Both prepositions are followed by objects.
ü  They can both be used in many positions, including at the beginning of the sentence.

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